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What is Pac-i ?
PAC‐I is a PAC analysis making use of qualitative research methods (personal attitude construction analysis), remodeled quantitatively to generate a positioning chart, which identifies the overall value structure of the respondents.
The traditional PAC analysis conduct deep analysis of the value structure of each individual respondent. The differentiator of PAC-I lies in the comprehensive and vivid analysis of the overall value structure of respondents. PAC-I is used to gather freely-asso ciated words from the respondents and this helps to paint the "psychological picture".
Based on the perception map generated, we break free from the constraints of pre-generated hypoth eses, explore the context in depth, and excavate n ew ideas.
The Problems PAC-i can solve?

The landscape of consumers is constantly changing and sub-consciously, their values are transforming too. Grasping the up-to-date values of consumers has never been more imperative.

A comprehensive understanding of consumer values before product launch is imperative.

Clarify consumer perception and discover new values.

From consumer feedback, we comprehend their product needs, and understand their purchase determinants. All these knowledge could be applied in product segmentation and development.

Based on the consumer interviews, we developed a perception structure for the brand.

Based on purchasing determinants, brand perceptions, freely-associated words etc., we grasp the value structure of the consumers.

PAC-I could help to discover new values, compare values of each attribute, help develop market segmentation strategies and capture brand perception.

Please contact us for more information!
Contact sales@cn.intage.com
We will provide you with a market research proposal.If you have any questions, we will contact you as soon as possible.